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Joe’s testimony

I am blessed and thankful to say that I was raised in a Christian family who were committed to faithfully serving our church. As a young person, my eyes were opened and I turned in faith to Jesus as a result of the preaching and teaching ministry of my local church. Due to the influence of my parents and church leaders, the desire for missions work has been in my heart from my earliest memories in church. In my teen years and into college, I began taking this calling more seriously, reading books, majoring in missions studies, and interning at my home church during the summers. After graduating from West Coast Baptist College, my wife and I took a short missions trip with our pastor to Tokyo, Japan. We simultaneously fell in love with the saints we met and felt an incredible burden for the thousands and thousands of unsaved Japanese people we saw. I am currently working on my Masters in Biblical Counselling at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. 

As a young girl, I grew up in a Christian home. My parents made sure that my sister and I were always in church and that we were involved every chance we got. That being said, I never understood the Gospel and realized how it applied to me until I was a sophomore in college. It was at the age of 20 that I fully grasped God’s kindness and saving grace in my life. Although not saved until later in life, I had the privilege to go on several missions trips where I got to see firsthand the importance and need for mission work. After graduation, my husband and I were given the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Tokyo, Japan. It was there that I fell in love with the people and developed a deep love and desire for mission work. I recently completed my TESOL certification and am currently working on my biblical counselling certification from CCEF, an organization based out of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.

Sierah’s testimony

Sierah’s testimony

As a young girl, I grew up in a Christian home. My parents made sure that my sister and I were always in church and that we were involved every chance we got. That being said, I never understood the Gospel and realized that it applied to me, until I was a Sophomore in college. It was at the age of 20 that I fully grasped God’s kindness and saving grace in my life. Although not saved until later in life, I had the privilege to go on several missions trips where I got to see firsthand the importance and need for mission work. After graduation, my husband and I were given the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Tokyo, Japan. It was there that I fell in love with the people and developed a deep love and desire for mission work.

Doctrinal Statement


We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired by God and is the final authority for all faith and works. Though holy men were used to pen its parts, it is true, infallible, indestructible, and alive in every word. We hold to a normal, literal, grammatical, and historical method of interpreting Scripture. (2 Tim 3:16; Psalm 119:160; 1 Pet 1:25; Mat 19:4)


We believe Scriptures teach that there is one God, consisting of three persons, yet in one being without division of nature: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three persons are fully God. All three were instrumental in Creation of the universe in six literal days, and all three fulfilled their unique roles in redemptive history. We believe that God is holy, yet immanent; just, yet merciful; eternal, yet knowable. (2 Cor 13:14; Deut 6:4; Mat 1:23; Phil 4:10)


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, sinlessly perfect in life, and the sole savior of the world. In his incarnation, Jesus was fully God while fully man. Being the perfect lamb of God, we affirm that his bodily death and resurrection provide the only means of salvation for mankind. Jesus has ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven, interceding now for his bride until the end of this world. (John 1:1,14; Phil 2:6; Gal 4:4; Heb 7:25)

Man and Sin

We believe that man was created sinless, in the image of God. God made man male and female. But in Adam, all fell into sin so that all men are born with a sin nature, completely unable to save themselves and given to willful an continual sin. This sin must be judged by a holy God. Therefore, man and God are separate in life and eternal death in the lake of fire. (Gen 1:27, 3:6; Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1-3; 2 Cor 4:4; Rom 6:23)


We believe that God has provided full and free salvation through his Son for all who will repent and believe. Salvation is entirely of grace and cannot be earned. Once the righteousness of Christ is imputed to a sinner, that one can never fall away from grace. We affirm that salvation begins with God’s election, initiates with regeneration and justification, continues through sanctification, and ends in final glorification. (Gen 15:6; Eph 2:8, 2 Cor 5:21; John 10:28; Rom 8:30)


We believe the church consists of God’s redeemed people—those who have followed him by faith. The local church is led by ordained and qualified pastors and served by elected and qualified deacons. No hierarchy or external church governance is necessary. We believe that Christ has purchased gifts for his church which the Holy Spirit distributes to the saints individually. In the early days of the church, some were given miraculous gifts by the Spirit, but today we see only serving and teaching gifts. All gifts are for the building up of the church. (Tit 1-2; Eph 4:11; 1 Cor 12:1-13)


We believe Christ left his followers two ordinances that are to be exercised in the context of the local church. The first is baptism by immersion, followed by the believer’s open profession of faith. The second is the regular observance of the Lord’s supper by believers in a local church. (Mat 28:19,20; 1 Cor 11:24-26)

End Times

We believe that Jesus will physically return to this earth to destroy his enemies, to gather his church from every nation, tribe and tongue, to resurrect the dead for judgment, and usher in a new heavens and new earth where his saints will joyfully rule for eternity, worshiping Christ as our King forever. Those without Christ will be eternally condemned. (Acts 1:11; Thes 4:16-17; 2 Pet 3:10; Rev 7:9, 21:1)

*We ascribe to the New Hampshire Confession, 1833, as well as the Second London Baptist Confession, 1689

Sending Church

We are being sent out of Landmark Baptist Church in Louisville, KY, under the direction of our pastors and the confirmation of our members. Our church has been blessed to see several missionaries—both full-term and short-term—sent out of its membership over it’s 40+ year history.

Contact Information:

6502 Johnsontown Road
Louisville, KY 40272

Phone: (502) 933-3000



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