Meet the Newest Pliska!

Meet the Newest Pliska!

Meet the Newest Pliska! 1200 553 Joe Pliska

Meet the Newest Pliska!

“May God, our Father, bless our child, Sophie, and us who have given to him our family name, that we may live together in love and affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Sophia Belle Pliska
Greetings from Louisville, Kentucky! It’s hard to believe that January is already halfway over. We have our first meeting of the year coming up in three weeks, and in attendance will be our little Sophia Belle Pliska! She was born at 9:22 PM, on Wednesday, December 29. We wanted to get a couple of weeks under our belt before sending out this formal update. We did, however, put an announcement up on our social media page last week. Feel free to give it a look and enjoy some photos of our little one below!

How Is Everyone Doing?
Sierah’s delivery was excellent. Little “Sophie” was born with a full head of dark hair. She weighed in eight and a half pounds and measured twenty-one inches in length. To date, she is completely healthy and growing as normal. We did have a brief scare in the hospital just minutes after Sophie was born. She had some fluid blocking her airway, which the medical staff were able to remove immediately and professionally. Needless to say, Mom and I didn’t sleep very well that first night. It is moments like these that remind us that God is entirely in control when we are entirely helpless. But God is also our heavenly Father and does what is only good and best for his children. We have much to be grateful for.

Prepping for Our Next Stage
In February, the three of us will pack up and hit the road west, beginning in Oklahoma. Our travels over the next few months will take us through the south as far as Florida, up north to Michigan, and then, Lord willing, out east to North Carolina. As we travel we get to learn the challenges and joys of deputation life with a newborn. Pray for us that the Lord would watch over little Sophie as she grows, that he would keep us safe and healthy as we travel, and that we would have a 2022 calendar as full as our hearts are right now. And enjoy the pictures below!

Grace and peace,
Joe and Sierah Pliska